Essences from Sardinia
Olive Oil
Olea europaeaThe properties of olive oil as a beauty treatment have been known for 60 centuries by all the civilizations of the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians called it liquid gold and Cleopatra herself used it as the secret of her legendary beauty. Scientific studies have shown the affinity of olive oil fats with human sebum, so it is able to penetrate deep into the dermis, hydrates it and promotes the renewal of collagen and elastin. Its richness in polyphenols and vitamin E make Sardinian women the most beautiful and long-lived in the world more.
Juniperus communisThe essential oil of juniper contained in the berries has multiple properties. Among these we can remember the diuretic, draining and antibacterial ones. For topical use, the antiseptic and astringent properties are exploited. It is an great excellent remedy for oily skin.
Pistacia lentiscusMastic oil has soothing properties on the skin and was used in the past as a disinfectant for wounds, it has balsamic, toning and refreshing properties. Mastic essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory, sedative, astringent and antiseptic properties.
Calendula officinalisMarigold flowers have been used for a long time in herbal and phytotherapeutic fields. It is covered with a thin and delicate fluff and has glands rich in essential oil with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, decongestant, soothing and moisturizing properties. A real natural pharmacy.
Vitis viniferaNumerous properties are attributed to this plant. In particular, the vine has antioxidant, antiatherosclerotic, cytoprotective, hepatoprotective and cardioprotective properties. It is used for the treatment of venous and circulatory disorders in general
Aloe veraThis plant is in many ways miraculous and has exceptional healing properties. The out standing feature of aloe vera leaves is the gel contained within. Its main properties are: anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, healing and antibacterial.
ElicrisoHelichrysum has always been used in folk medicine, due to its properties. A precious essential oil with antioxidant action is extracted from the flowers, thanks to the high content of polyphenols, flavonoids and coumarins. These substances protect against free radicals of the ROS type.
Rosa caninaFolk medicine has always attributed various properties to rosehip berries. Due to their high content of vitamin C they are used to prevent and assist colds. They are also useful in states of debilitation and to strengthen the immune system.